Wednesday, January 25, 2012

Fat Washing

Before I get into the glory that was my Wisconsin beer haul, I thought I would give a quick update on the bacon beer process.  More specifically, I am referring to the process of fat washing.

I had heard of the practice before when individuals have wanted to use real ingredients instead of using extracts in their beer.  The general sense is to get the taste of something fatty inside your beer without going through the normal troubles.  Fats and oils tend to ruin head retention, and more importantly facilitate a rancid beer.  Hence why you can't just throw something like bacon into your boil and expect everything to go off without a hitch.

Of course, as everyone knows (or the 2 people that read this blog), I decided to embrace my American roots and include bacon in my beer.  I can't take credit for going about this alone as I tried to follow what "Ryan Brews" did with his hot wing beer.  Unfortunately, I am still an idiot and did not see the more comprehensive steps he laid out before trying my first experiment.  I won't go into too much detail as he seems to be able to explain the process much better than I, but I will point out some differences in my approach that I will be changing in order to better match his.

I went out and bought some apple smoked bacon and quickly cooked three strips.  I wanted the distinctive applewood bacon smell and taste, so no big surprise here.  Afterwards, instead of adding the fat to the vodka, I added the actual strips.  I had read somewhere that this was a good way to make your own, but after observing my results, I believe the fat may impart a much strong smell and taste (It is the fat that the alcohol interacts with and just the strips leaves less fun in the glass).

After placing the strips in the glass, I let it sit for one full day.  I would have let it sit a little longer, but I was at my parents doing all of this and needed to leave.  Isn't procrastination fun?  Anyways, the liquid looked a disgusting murky brown with small chunks of meat suspended in the glass after becoming dislodged from the strips.  I removed the large strips and placed the glass in the freezer.  As everyone knows (well, I'm hoping for the sake of our education system), alcohol has a lower freezing point than water.  As a result, the fat on top of the glass will freeze and the alcohol will be left alone beneath it.   After this, the fat was broken through and put through a coffee filter for good measure into another glass.  I didn't have the time, but I would highly suggest repeating the freezing process at least a couple of times.  Fat in beer = sad face when trying to drink beer.

Unfortunately, the sweet stout in secondary fermentation wasn't finished after the addition of maple syrup before I had to leave to head back to Chicago.  That means, I was not able to bottle the new beer.  Although a bummer, I think it is for the best.  When I head back I am going to redo the fat wash technique one more time.  I was only able to use some really cheap vodka as that is all that was lying around.  As a result, the character seemed a little more rough than I would have liked with a rubbing alcohol smell being fairly strong and pushing what little bacon there was out of the way.  As well, instead of adding strips I will be adding just the bacon grease instead.  I'm hoping this will give a slightly larger taste.  I don't want anything overpowering, but most certainly something stronger than the first concoction.

I will update with my second attempt when I get around to it.  Also, apologies for the blurry pictures of the filtered bacon vodka.  They are a product of my father.  Apologies as well for this post that is most likely riddled with errors.  It is a product of me.  I could edit it, but I just don't care.

Tuesday, January 17, 2012


With the time off, a friend of mine suggested we take a short trip to Wisconsin during the day in order to grab some New Glarus beer.  Seeing as I thought it would be rude to decline such an invitation (as well as being a little too excited to have some New Glarus), I politely agreed to accompany him.  He may contest the "polite" part.

We didn't go to far past the border as we are both lazy and we needed to keep it a day trip.  Upon research, we stopped in Kenosha first at a bar called Captain Mike's Beer and Burger Bar.  We knew they had some New Glarus on tap and we figured why not get some while we were having food.  The menu was pretty limited to burgers, but tons of different choices.  The burgers had the option of Organic grass fed burger or kobe beef, yeaaaaaaah environment.  After that you choose everything you want on the burger, but I will let you leaf through the menu if you want to see all the combinations.  They also suggest throwing a slab of peanut butter on any burger that has bacon on it.  I thought what the hell, you only live once, and through a slab on mine.  Delicious.  Lastly, I went with New Glarus's Apple Ale, which I will update on later, but it is slightly like a sour apple jolly rancher.

After the food, we went to the closest liquor store to grab some New Glarus.  We both had to try and contain ourselves and try not to buy one of everything.  Since we were not allowed to mix and match, we thought it best to buy a couple six packs each and then swap three of each six pack with another so we got to try as much as possible.  The final decision were: Apple Ale, Back Forty Bock, Fat Squirrel, Moon Man, Road Slush Stout, and Wisconsin Belgian Red.  It really didn't come out as bad as it sounds since we shared with each other, but plenty of beer nonetheless.  Hopefully will be making the trip in the future again.

Well, it is now back to school and work.  It seems as if I should stop imitating the maturity of a five year old and grow up a bit for the sake of my schooling.                                                                         Life is a drag.                       

Wednesday, January 11, 2012

A New Beer Year

A new year full of new beer is here!  The past week has brought a lot of new things my way in the world of beer with many kindnesses as well.  The most notable is acquiring a bottle of Black Tuesday from someone who apparently had a lot of leftover Christmas spirit.  Thanks again, this was way too nice.  I only bring this up as I promised to make some bad jokes in exchange for the bottle.  Unfortunately, I won't be opening this bottle for a while as I am going to let it age so bad jokes will have to be put off for now.  Shucks, I'm worthless.  It certainly is a Black Tuesday I suppose (Crap!  It's Wednesday, why didn't I make this yesterday?).

Also, it seems as if I am starting to hoard bottles of beer from the Bruery in my parents basement crawl space.  I'm quite ok with this problem.  If anyone tries to correct it, I will cry uncontrollably.  Do you really want to see that?  Please don't answer yes.  I still have to pick up a bottle of 4 Calling Birds at the store to put away for this year, but that shouldn't be a problem.

In other news, I will soon be heading to Wisconsin for a short day trip with the one goal of buying New Glarus.  Luckily I have a friend (or at least someone is tolerable of me) that shares the love of New Glarus and invited me along.  I will of course update to my adoring readers what I got.  As well, a short post on fat washing will be coming along in the short future.  Mmmmm the beer of a new year!  And to think, I have to go back to law school in a week.  Anyone interested in funding a brewery for me instead?

As you can also see, Santa did not provide me with a camera.  Apparently, he is not an avid reader of the blog.  Pshhhh.  He can see everything?  I'm calling bs.