Wednesday, January 11, 2012

A New Beer Year

A new year full of new beer is here!  The past week has brought a lot of new things my way in the world of beer with many kindnesses as well.  The most notable is acquiring a bottle of Black Tuesday from someone who apparently had a lot of leftover Christmas spirit.  Thanks again, this was way too nice.  I only bring this up as I promised to make some bad jokes in exchange for the bottle.  Unfortunately, I won't be opening this bottle for a while as I am going to let it age so bad jokes will have to be put off for now.  Shucks, I'm worthless.  It certainly is a Black Tuesday I suppose (Crap!  It's Wednesday, why didn't I make this yesterday?).

Also, it seems as if I am starting to hoard bottles of beer from the Bruery in my parents basement crawl space.  I'm quite ok with this problem.  If anyone tries to correct it, I will cry uncontrollably.  Do you really want to see that?  Please don't answer yes.  I still have to pick up a bottle of 4 Calling Birds at the store to put away for this year, but that shouldn't be a problem.

In other news, I will soon be heading to Wisconsin for a short day trip with the one goal of buying New Glarus.  Luckily I have a friend (or at least someone is tolerable of me) that shares the love of New Glarus and invited me along.  I will of course update to my adoring readers what I got.  As well, a short post on fat washing will be coming along in the short future.  Mmmmm the beer of a new year!  And to think, I have to go back to law school in a week.  Anyone interested in funding a brewery for me instead?

As you can also see, Santa did not provide me with a camera.  Apparently, he is not an avid reader of the blog.  Pshhhh.  He can see everything?  I'm calling bs.

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