Saturday, July 30, 2011


As a result of my recent obtaining and reading of the Walking Dead, as well as my long interest in bad zombie movies, my dormant gusto to add zombies and beer together has been rekindled!  Yes, I am that lame.  And no, I do not care.

How does one add zombies and beer together?  Add infected human flesh to the mash?  Excuse my blatant geek behavior for a moment there.  I simply hope to make a line of beers that are zombie themed in name, as well as tasting delicious per usual.  I am convinced that that if I were to open a brewery that I would most certainly do a special line of beers in this vein.  As you may be able to tell, my doors would not be open for long.

So, on to the naming.  Currently I have a short list that I have put together and hope to build upon in the near future:

The Night of the Drunken Dead- Russian Imperial Stout
Zombie Hopocalypse- Imperial IPA
Initial Infection- American Wild Ale (Get the word play, get it!?!?)
Patient Zero- ?

As you can see, the list is fairly short as well as nothing terribly exciting.  I enjoy the first two, while the next are merely meh at best.  So please feel free to shot some suggestion my way as I would like the list to be a little longer.  As well, anyone with the ability to design some beer labels for these would be much appreciated.  The current state of the blog should give you a hint that help would be welcome.  I'm so excited for zombies I may add a page dedicated its progress (Did I create a zombie label?  Yep!  Will this be the only time it is used?  Nope!).

There may not be many people reading this, and those that are probably aren't very keen to combining the subject of zombies with beer.  That being said, don't let it hold you back!  Remember, puns are encouraged in the beer naming game.  Something has to keep you excited, right?


  1. First off, how the hell are you Lolli? Long time no talk. Secondly, I like the new beer blog, it will give me ideas of what to try. And last but not least, I'm going to throw something at you, if you like it take it, if not throw it right back... "Brew #2: The Double Tap," a Belgian-style double or any double fermentation brew. Not directly named after zombies but taken from rule #2 from Zombieland. Hope all is well man. Peace. Zpar

  2. I'm great, and awesome suggestion. This has been added to the list. You witty bastard you.
