Sunday, February 26, 2012

Haymarket Angry Birds Belgian Rye I.P.A.

Once again I find myself apologizing for not posting in a while.  Same excuses, new day, so I will spare you the trouble.  Good news is that Haymarket has Angry Birds back on tap!  I of course used this as an excuse to buy my first growler in Chicago (how pathetic, no?) and give myself an underserved pat on the back for finishing up some recent assignments.  Don't judge me.

Angry Birds Belgian Rye I.P.A.

Appearance- Hazy golden yellow with a small off white head. The head disappears almost completely, but the growler was opened up yesterday (although there was not much head then either). No lacing on the glass.

Smell- Belgian yeast hits first with noticeable bubblegum and phenolic clove. There may be a hint of banana underneath as well. Citrus hops begin to come through in the middle with a resiny smell following. Slight alcohol in the finish.

Taste- The beer starts strong with the belgian yeast characteristics again. the bubblegum character is prominent with clove lingering in the background. Seems to be a little candied fruit as well. The middle brings the citrus hops the work together well with the yeast. Slight bitterness build in the middle and continues into the finish of the beer. All the while there is a slight belgian phenolic yeast characteristic hanging in the background. Great balance.

Mouthfeel- Medium bodied with medium low carbonation. Its a little less carbonated than yesterday according to notes so I am going to chalk it up to the opened growler. Smooth on the tongue and slightly dry in the finish.

Overall and Notes- I love this beer. I personally believe its one of the best, if not the best, examples of the Belgian IPA I have had to this date. Great mix between hops and yeast characteristics. Easy to say that I will be refilling my growler often. Not surprising to see it brought home the Gold Medal at the GABF.

The only thing I have to do next is convince the lovely people at Haymarket to allow me to lay directly beneath the Angry Birds tap and let the sucker flow.  The only thing I'm really iffy on is the name, but they did name another beer after Justin Bieber which gave me a chuckle, so I will let it slide.  Also, meant to address something in my other post.  I'm not sure if there was a misprint when I posted about Haymarket last, but growler prices are not as ridiculous as I originally posted.  As well, Haymarket had a limited bigger version on this that was incredibly delicious.  That and two taps dedicated to 2010 Bigfoot and Hopslam.  Haymarket, what I'm trying to say is I love you.

Wednesday, February 8, 2012

Stillwater Stateside Saison

I won't lie, I'm a little backed up with places and beers I have been meaning to post.  Been a little busy lately.  That being said, I couldn't help popping open my first Stillwater saison tonight.  I mean anyone that can do gypsy brewing is alright in my book.  That just sounds awesome.  Gypsy brewing.  On to the beer!

Stillwater Stateside Saison

Appearance- Golden yellow in color with a decent amount of haze in the body. A billowing white bubbly head appears before relinquishing its size to something more manageable. That being said, the head stays around with sticky lacing on the side of the glass.

Smell- Some ripe fruits with pear and banana lurking beneath. Spicy phenols emerge with some esters throughout the beer. The end becomes a little musty that feels accentuated by the spicy phenols.

Taste- A sweet malt beginning that has some bread and biscuit in the taste. The middle develops into slight fruit with the pear and banana once again coming to the forefront. Towards the end the beer starts to dry out with some spicy phenols and a slight bitterness accompanying it. 

Mouthfeel- Medium bodied with a sweet start that becomes dry int he finish. I would prefer a saison that is a little drier, but still enjoyable.

Overall and Notes- Good first beer from Stillwater. If the beer was slightly drier I think it would make this go a little further. Nonetheless, a great beer.

Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Wisconsin Belgian Red

Well, it's time to get into the New Glarus.  After an abysmal last couple of weeks, I decided to pop open the Wisconsin Belgian Red.  I've had the Raspberry tart, but this is my first encounter with this cherry beer.  Unfortunately, when I was in Ohio I forgot to grab my other glassware.  Apparently my mind was elsewhere.  These things tend to happen to idiots.

Wisconsin Belgian Red

Appearance- Burgundy with a little haze as it is able to be seen through. Off white head dissipates until it becomes small and patchy with a ring around the glass. 

Smell- Sweet and slightly tart cherries push through this beer. Malt accompanies with a little bit of a musty character.

Taste- The cherries hit you right away coming at you first a little sweet but quickly becoming tart. Thick malty taste is beneath as the cherries continue throughout. The finish seems to have a cherry skin flavor to it with a lingering tart flavor in the back of the mouth. 

Mouthfeel- Medium-body, sweet throughout.

Overall and Notes- More than just any fruit beer. Very rich in character and full in taste. Would be great after dinner or for the holidays.

I'm hoping that it won't be too long before I can get back to Wisconsin and pick up a couple more bottles of this and Raspberry Tart.  Unfortunately, you still have to deal with my camera.  This wouldn't be such a big deal if I wasn't running out jokes to make fun of myself.  Also, does anyone from Wisconsin know if they have a shirt with that "Drink Indigenous" logo?