Having tried all of them before, I decided to revisit a couple that I figured you aren't as likely to see on tap again. First, I went with the 6-Geese-A-Laying because being an idiot, I forgot to pick up a bottle of it to age (you can exhale, I ended up finding a local store with a couple left over bottles. You were worried, I know). Strangely enough, they pulled a pitcher out of fridge and poured me the beer instead of grabbed it from the tap. Even more surprising was they were using a pitcher when I seemed to be one of the few partaking in the Bruery event. Something seemed a little off about the beer, but I think i likely just convinced myself of that. More than likely there was probably just something wrong with the tap. And as someone told me, that just means they had more of it!
For #2 I went with Rueze. Although I was stuck between Rueze and Sour in the Rye, I wanted something a little bit lighter but that still packed the sour punch. Good news is I have a couple bottles of each stashed away. The Rueze was luckily on tap so I did not have to worry about psyching myself out, and it delivered. I would love to have written a proper review, but I figured it smart not to be that guy in Lincoln Park writing in a notebook at the bar while everyone else is watching the Blackhawks game. I am a big enough asshole as it is.
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