Half Acre 2023M Soft Sour Ale
Appearance- A surprisingly clear orange color. A rough pour produced a small egg shell white head, but it disappears quickly.
Smell- Distinct trpical fruits, mango and pineapple shine through most prominently. Noticeable caramel malt smell in the background. Tart, lemony, and slight hay character apparent throughout.
Taste- Tropical fruits with the mango in front. Surprising amount of malt sweetness. A lemony hay character with a slight basement musty taste finishes out the beer. Just the slightest tart character.
Mouthfeel- Medium-light body with low carbonation. No dry finish like you would expect with a sour.
Overall: "Soft" sour is right. Where is the sour? The beer generally lacks any umph or really distinguishing qualities. I know that this is not meant to be an incredibly sour beer, or maybe Half Acre is fighting back against the idea that more sour is better, and maybe I am just a tad bit biased, but its efforts come up a little short here.
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