Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Half Acre Daisy Cutter

Well this week brought the "listening party" for Tom Waits's new album, and anything Waits related gets me pretty excited (who knew he was going to be serious?).  As well, I finally picked up some Half Acre Daisy Cutter for the fridge.  With Half Acre being a well respected local brewery, I admit that I am mildly ashamed of myself.  Please don't judge me.

That being said, I was so excited to have this one again (had it on tap last week) that I almost indulged last night.  I had to remind myself that warm beer is no fun.  That being said, on to the review!

Half Acre Daisy Cutter

Appearance- Hazy orange with an off white one finger head. Head disappears almost completely with a patchy center and ring around the glass remaining. Small traces of lacing.

Smell- A lot of hops in this one. Piney and resiney to begin with that is thrown in with a citrus hop aroma as well. Tropical fruits jump up with grapefruit the most noticeable. More a a piney/grassy hop comes in again towards the end.

Taste- Smacked in the face with hops. Grassy, piney hop flavor prominent from the get go with a bread and biscuit base underneath. The hops flavor is splashed with citrus throughout, but the grapefruit isn't as noticeable as in the smell. Bitterness rises in the middle and peaks in the end at the higher range for an American Pale Ale.
Mouthfeel- Medium, smooth body with moderate carbonation. Dry finish that keeps you grabbing for another sip.

Overall and Notes - In your face hops and a decent base make this an easy drinking beer. I had this on tap the other week and I think it was even better then.  Half Acre didn't disappoint.

Also, does anyone know what is up with the black can holders that craft breweries have been using?  I can't imagine they are cheaper.  Trying to stop birds from getting stuck in the ring?  Instead of me using word play to introduce more Tom Waits, I'll just throw in another.

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