Wednesday, October 5, 2011

Yuengling and Musings

This week (I believe Monday?), Yuengling began distributing to Ohio.  Being from Ohio, I had the pleasure of hearing everyone's excitement over the new distribution and heard news of lines at stores as well as limiting the number of cases people were allowed to buy.  Really?  Limiting the number of cases of Yuengling?  Sigh.

I get the appeal of Yuengling, it is a relatively inexpensive alternative to Bud and Miller and provides a little more flavor.  When I was interning in D.C., having it priced the same as Bud or Miller was appreciated after realizing when I got off work that I was still not being paid.  That being said, how is this the beer that people celebrate?  Unfortunately I don't think many of my Ohio friends realize they do have some great brew pubs as well as good distribution that will get them better beer for the same price or slightly more.

I hate being the person to tell people what to drink, and I should emphasize that I am more upset with the unbridled excitement over finally having access to a beer when they have had access to great beer for some time.  Drink what you please, just be adventurous.  If you still prefer Yuengling at the end of the day, no problem with me.

I just ranted on the interwebs.... I think I am officially a blogger.  Oh no!  My parents are going to be so disappointed...

In other news, I keep thinking about getting my hair cut but then it would ruin a potentially awesome Robert Smith halloween costume.  Think of how awesome it could be.  In 30 years I could get a bunch of weight and do it again!  I think my hair must have overheard my intentions as I have been on an unprecedented Cure run the past couple of days.  Maybe.... I'm becoming Robert Smith....

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