Friday, October 28, 2011

Lost Abbey Inferno Ale

This is the first bottle of Lost Abbey I have bought although I have had a couple of their other offerings on tap.  I didn't realize it is perfect timing that I drink a beer with a devil on it and it only hit me when I placed the bottle of Mischief next to it in the fridge.  Unconscious me must be awesome.

Although I am sure the vast crowd reading my blog would like to hear more about how awesome I am without realizing it, I will get to the beer instead.  I know I know, that's not what you wanted to hear.  Don't worry, I'll continue to supply you with more of my eccentricities in the future.

Lost Abbey Inferno Ale

Appearance- Hazy gold color with a billowing white bubbly head. Retains very well with patches of sticky lacing all over the glass.

Smell- Sweet and phenolic clove in the front. Citrus builds with lemon rind flowing throughout. Slightly bready/yeasty with a spicy and peppery finish.

Taste- Malty front before the phenols come in. The middle brings a herbal and medicinal flavor, maybe rosemary? The citrus falls behind the herbal flavor while an underlining bread is retained throughout. 

Mouthfeel- Medium bodied with moderate carbonation. Very dry finish.

Overall and Notes- Good first review for Lost Abbery. I could have done without some of the herbal character, but nonetheless a solid beer.

As Thanksgiving approaches, it reminds me that I need to get rid of a bunch of beer I have brewed that is currently sitting in my parents basement.  Friends, you want some?  The rest of you?  Hello?  IS ANYBODY EVEN READING THIS THING!?!?


  1. Actually, I'd prefer more gratuitous Juggalo references than any more attempts to vindicative your collective beer unconscious. And that UD glass has got to GO.

    And I'll take all the free beer you got. Oh, and did you play basketball in high school? I think I found another sweet photo online--it's all ass, if you know what I'm saying. Elli and I rolled through Dublin for a cyclocross race last weekend, and I thought of you.

  2. Listen to an ICP song and try not to laugh. I have tried my best and it has never worked. If you say you have, you are obviously a liar. All my regular glasses are at home. The poli sci department loved me so much they bought me glasses for graduation, sorry for being awesome at my job.

    I did play basketball, stop looking up damn pictures of me. If you want the most epic article I will save you time. The local newspaper wrote a story about me and my coach was nice enough to describe me as "deceptively athletic." My family hasn't stopped laughing since.

    You were in Dublin? Did they try to run you out of town for not having enough money? Or did they just chastise you enough so you would never want to come back?

  3. so, you didn't actually turn down the chance to buy some Mischief, eh.

  4. A couple of days after you told me of your Black Tuesday fun I went back and picked up the Mischief. I figured that would appease whichever beer God punished me with the rubbing of my face in your good fortune. Perfect logic, right?
